March 29, 2003

You know you're losing touch with someone when you find out they are getting married via there blog. I could cry but I've resigned myself to becoming selfish and will not let someone else destroy my positive week. I've learned from way too many failed friendships and sadly enough from my father's lovely example of fatherhood, that you shouldnt expect much from people. Trust is not a given. With me it must be earned over and over again for me to believe that you are truly in it for the long haul. It's sad when the one person you thought would always be there isnt anymore. I am coming to grips with the idea that I must not be a very good person to be friends with. I now have no close friends cept my hubby and am resigned to spend my girl chats w/ my mom. I dont mind that so much but it is a painful reminder how sad and pitiful I am at relationships. But like I said, why ruin a good week with negativity?

I am spending the day solo, which doesnt help me feel anymore alone than possible. I am actually enjoying it. Still in my jammies and it's almost 4 pm. I've been doing laundry, dishes, baking cookies and watching Lifetime movies. takes me back to lazy Sunday afternoons as a teen. But back then I'd have a girlfriend to hang out with.

Two more days to my first day of work. I dont know how its possible but I am excited and upset about it all at the same time. I am missing Calebs lots today as he's out with Dean, but it might be good for him to get used to being away from me, and me from him. I think it will be lots harder for me though!

Well back to enjoying my lazy Saturday...

Posted by amy_mck at 04:04 PM
March 28, 2003

It's Friday, my last full day as a stay at home mom. It wasnt quite a normal day though, Dean only worked half a day since his friend is in from out of town. I was lucky enough to get a nap in this afternoon, I've been very rundown this last week, mostly my own stress induced illness. I enjoyed being able to rest without worrying about Caleb getting up from his nap before me since Dean was home. We headed downtown this evening to go to the Aquarium to enjoy the last night of their off season discount friday night prices. Apparently everyone was trying to go for cheaper so it was jammed pack. Which made it hard to keep up w/ the kids. But I still enjoyed it a lot.

We're home now, and I am once again exhausted. I think it's mostly from worrying about whats to come in the next week. Monday I start work. I dont even know what my schedule will be yet, I am supposed to hear from my new boss tomorrow, thats when she is figuring out who will be doing what on Monday. Dean has to drop his friend to the airport Monday morning so I am hoping everything will work out time wise, but I am scared it wont, since we only have the one vehicle.

Not sure what the weekend holds for me. The guys want to go to DC tomorrow and I truly do not. Dean really wants me to go with but I think I could use a day to do what I want to do, without Caleb. I know it's odd as I approach going towards time when I wont have much time w/ him, as I go back to work, but I think if this is going to work I am going to need some time to myself to really come to grips with these changes and the think about things. This is very hard for me, going back to work. Just a few weeks ago I was saying how we were doing really well paying bills w/ just one paycheck. But then we had our first new car payment and higher insurance payment, leaving little to no money for health insurance. We will be ok in a few weeks, I am hoping. bad thing is we have to pay for childcare costs ahead of time which is money we really dont have. This will be the first time in months that we've had to pay bills late, but once things get going we should be fine. I just hope I can hold out long enough to realize we need the money. I mean I am content to be poor and be at home, if we had other health insurance there'd be no question that I could stay home,but we dont know when or if that will happen with Dean's work. So until then, back to work I go. I get teary eyed just thinking about leaving my baby......thank God its only Friday

Posted by amy_mck at 09:05 PM
March 26, 2003

Spent the last two days running around getting paper work taken care of for my new job. Dragged Caleb along w/ me today, forgot to change his diaper for like a good 4 hours, finally did and he was drenched. We were going here there and everywhere. This is a complete change from our usual leave the house and do maybe one thing a week. Next week we will be at daycare all day. I feel like I should be using this last week of being home to enjoy him but theres just too much to do. Having guests this weekend so today when we finally got home and Caleb napped I had to do cleaning and laundry. Hoping that tomorrow is restful and that we can spend lots of cuddle time together. Tomorrow night our guests arrive, a friend of Dean's from Ohio and his son. The boys are going to have fun together, the big ones and little ones. Me, I am hoping to get away to spend some time w/ my mom shopping.

Posted by amy_mck at 10:02 PM
March 24, 2003

I applied for a job this morning. Had the job before the afternoon was out. I start working as soon as the all the paperwork is done, could be as soon as Friday or Monday. Dont know if I am happy or not. I will going to being a stay at home mom to working a 40 hour week outside the home. I want to cry but I am also proud of myself for getting the job and even being motivated to do so. I really will miss being at home, but I guess we all make sacrifices.

Posted by amy_mck at 04:08 PM
March 23, 2003

It's amazing how much better I am feeling. Even after I blogged yesterday I was doing somewhat better. It's a miracle that for the first time ever in my life pepto bismol actually worked. Maybe cause I usually get generic brands, but this time I was fighting back hard. And so by lunch time yesterday I was doing much better. We drove around handing out flyers for the next Christain rave to local christian bookstores. Then we made it to my moms for dinner and a short visit. Sure enough by then Calebs upset stomach was back. So when we got home Caleb and I rested while Dean headed back out w/ a friend.

Lucky for me Caleb went to bed early for once. So I vegged out in front of the tv until Dean got home and we started watching Royal Tenebaums, but got too tired to finish. Not to mention since 8 pm our next door neighbor had his radio blaring so loud you could sing along and things in our house were shaking w/ the beat! I dont know how Caleb managed to sleep at all. Around 11ish Dean called the non emeregency police number, as we have in the past, to get this guy to tone it down. It was midnight and the music was still blaring. Not to mention when we looked out to see what they were doing out so late and so loud, we found x rated stuff. All I am saying is they have a hot tub and they were doing things I'd never do. And yes, we could see them clearly from our house. Idiots. So called the cops again, laughed hysterically when the cops showed up scaring the crap out of them and interrupting their little porno scene! I know I am mean, but if Caleb was older and could look out there and see that I would be really pissed. Now I am just mad I couldnt get to sleep. So I am going to look up some laws to see if theres anything we can do so that once Caleb is older he wont have to deal with watching their filth. It was more frustrating that shortly after the cops left they turned the music on again, not as loud, but we could still sing along if we wanted. I went out this morning for diapers and their car was gone, I cant imagine this older couple partying so late and having the ability to get up and out of the house that early. Dean joked that they were on E or something, I dont know, but he must have been on some good viagra or something. I am just hoping since he was out so early that maybe he was going to buy a bigger fence!!

So needless to say, this morning Dean woke up feeling bad. Looks like he wasnt able to go w/out getting the bug we had, so today he's feeling it. I hate that now he knows why I was so pissed and stressed this week, but it was quite funny to wake up and hear his complaints. He got up w/ Caleb this morning since I did yesterday and I got up around 9:30 this morning after I heard him running bath water. I knew something was going on cause Dean would never just bathe Caleb mid morning like that. So Dean is looking miserable and starts telling me a Caleb poopy tale. I love these. Dean always tells the best stories about Calebs really bad diaper messes. This one had me rolling just cause I've been handling these messes for days and it took a big one for Dean to realize how bad it's been. Aparently Dean was sleeping on the couch and Caleb told him poopy, which he really hasnt been saying lately. So Dean asked him if he wanted a diaper, of course the answer is no. Caleb keeps crying. Dean gets up finds poop all down his(caleb's) legs and clothes. This is w/ a diaper on! I feel bad for enjoying the thought, but I've had a rough week of poopies and throw up and was getting little to no sympathy from my hubby when I got sick myself and was unable to cope w/ it alone anymore. I think today Dean realized it's not all that easy to deal w/ this bug in a sick baby and when you have it. I pray Dean gets better soon, like today, but I am somewhat glad he now realizes why I was so grouchy. I know, I am mean, but after the week I've had I think I've got the right to enjoy this one.

Posted by amy_mck at 02:43 PM
March 22, 2003
Springing back?

It's a simply beautiful day for a Kite Festival! Too bad we arent going. Caleb is doing much better, still not eating like normal, but getting there. He hasnt had any milk in days. He and Dean are all geared up to enjoy the nice day meanwhile I think I will end up spending mine in the bathroom. At least theres a nice view of...nothing...out our bathroom window. Caleb's bug has found me and I am hoping it goes away soon. It's too nice to be stuck inside sick. I've been going to bed well before 9:30 these last few nights and waking up still exhausted. Dont know how Dean lucked out on this one but it figures, not that I want him to get sick, but why do I always have to get everything? wah wah wah. I just want to sleep but the sun is shining too brightly into the house to think of sleeping. Oh well maybe a shower will wake me up, but I doubt it wash away this flu bug.

Posted by amy_mck at 10:17 AM
March 20, 2003

I am a horrible mother. Yesterday Caleb was very sick. Today he was doing better, but still not great. Then this afternoon he dropped a canned good on his foot causing it to swell and his toenail turned purple. I flipped out. I didnt know what to do. I know its a toe so if its broken they cant do much. But never in his little life has my son screamed his head off for an hour(at least an hour). I went to get Dean because after mothering and cleaning up a sick baby for the last two days I was at the end of all patience. Nothing I did could console Caleb. Now Dean is home and you'd think he's a different kid. No crying. Not even having a problem walking on his foot. Earlier no such luck. He demanded to be held and screamed uncontrollably forever. He fell asleep in the car on the way to get Dean only after I sang a zillion songs to him. I am cant do this. I am coming down with the flu or whatever Caleb has and I am out of energy. I was out of patience a long time ago. I did my best and tried to be a good mom but as I said yesterday taking care of the sick is not my thing. I can do all sorts of things but mothering a ill crying baby, I just cant. I used to be able to, with other peoples kid. but now that its my baby I just feel so helpless and seem to lose any knowledge or skills I had on dealing with first aid issues or even how to calm a baby. I just want to crawl into bed and be left alone. I want my mommy!!! Yesterday I told my mom how much I appreciated everything she did for me when I was growing up when I was sick. She was a single mom w/ two kids. I am a miserable married mother of one. What is my problem! I think I just need a vacation from being a mom and wife or something, or at least a good nights sleep and to wake up feeling good for once. The chances of that are about as good as waking up tomorrow to a non flooded basement.

Posted by amy_mck at 05:10 PM
March 19, 2003

We are going to war, well not us in particular, but our military is for us. I am scared. After Sept 11th I feared what life would be like for my son. Things have changed so much in our world since that dreadful day. I have an aching heart for our soldiers and their families. I have a fear that one day, one day soon perhaps, that we will be fighting on our on soil. Today every noise I heard I feared that today would be the day. If Bin Laden and his allies could do so much as harm as was done on Sept 11th what is to stop them from having an army already on our soil that we dont know about. Dean says thats why we have homeland defense. We've only had this security issue for a year now, whose to say we werent looking sooner when the ground plans for this war were being planned by our overseas enemies. Sure I watch too many war movies, but we didnt think Sept 11th was possible until it happened. I am scared. For my family for my sons family when he grows up and for future generations. The world is changing and with it it seems we are getting farther and farther from peace. Today I joked that Saddam should just grow up and be a man. How can someone willingly risk his families and friends lives for something that could potentially kill us all one day. War sucks. the way the world is changing sucks. I want my son to grow up in a better place, I pray that what these soldiers do in the next few days, weeks, years makes that possible. I pray that the soldiers fight for what they believe and that God forgive them for the pain they cause our fellow man, enemy or not, we are all God's children. I do not agree w/ Saddam but the people being held under his dictatorship have no control over what he does and due to his actions or lack thereof they are now being put in harms way for another persons sins. God forgive us all and spare the lives of many despite the raging war. Please pray for our soldiers and their families and for the unfortunate families who live in Baghdad and the surrounding areas of war. Let this war be the beginning of their freedom for years to come.

Posted by amy_mck at 10:15 PM
Sick Boy

We awoke and got ready just like any other day, at least Dean and I did. Caleb still wasnt awake when we were done getting ready, so I went to get him up to find him covered in throw up as was the crib and everything in it. We never heard him cry through the night or throw up for that matter. It was horrible. He's still been sick all day. His playmate from church had this flu last week that lastest for 4 days! I pray to God it doesnt last that long. I can took blood but any other type of bodily fluid is just not my thing. I SO want Dean here to deal with this. I've done 3 loads of laundry and thats just sickness related laundry. Changed at least a diaper an hour, lately more so. My poor little hyper boy is laying around. After a dose of tylenol he perked up a bit, long enough to get sick again. He refuses to drink. Gave him a popsicle, he loved it, but later his belly didn't. We have no health insurance so I've got to keep him hydrated since we cant afford an ER visit. Irony was he was supposed to go to the dr today for a rash that was worsening, but after an "incident" in the car on the way home from taking Dean to work I thought better of a car ride again and cancelled it. We know this is just a bug, it's going around. Not like I can afford to pay a dr to tell me that! It's been a long morning, Caleb's finally napping peacefully on the couch. His second nap today. I hate seeing my baby sick. It just breaks my heart. It hurts more to know I dont have the strength or stomach to hold him while he throws up, I managed to make myself last time but then I needed a change of clothes. So I am trying my best but this is just not my department. I can managed house, and do all sorts of motherly things but tending to a sick baby, or at least a vomitting one, isnt my forte. I was going to get Dean to come home early but we cant afford him to miss hours especially if theres a chance he'll need to miss soon if he gets this bug himself. So I gotta buck up and deal with it, one mess after another. The joys of motherhood.

Posted by amy_mck at 01:20 PM
March 18, 2003

It's finally sunny, in the 60s and beautiful out. Too bad I feel miserable. I took Caleb out for a bit but I just didnt have the energy to chase him, or walk for that matter. We so need health insurance soon! If I dont get to a dr soon I dont want to think of how bad I could feel. My biggest fear is of losing sight in my right eye although I keep trying to be positive and think the surgery helped, but I am not so sure. Well enough whining for me. In a more positive note: Caleb is talking! Really talking. He will say Eat Eat when he is hungry. Juice or Milk if thats what he wants. He answers No to most of our questions but not always. Sometimes he'll say yeah or yessss w/ adorable excitement. Theres so much more he says but I cant think really. He figured out how the turn the tv on and off by himself, which drives me crazy sometimes. He also loves to turn the microwave on and off. Well speaking of Caleb he's figured out how to open the entertainment center door, ahhhhhh!

Posted by amy_mck at 11:07 AM
March 17, 2003

Let me just say that if at all possible, ie. if we could afford to right now, we would switch car insurance policies in a heartbeat. Too anyone who can, boycott Geico! They are liars and steal your money. Right now they have us paying for two policies on one car, how the hell can that work? Talked to several different people there today and they told me that I shouldnt have gotten what I got in the mail, which essentially showed me that they stole my money from me. We made a payment. They cancalled the coverage then credited the account for the payment we made but we never got the money back! So where's my freaking money Geico!!! Then they started the coverage again and say we owe them another $1500! But we already have another policy for that same car. It's a bunch of crap, let me tell you I dont curse, but today I did make a few comments that I feel bad for making but not as bad as I feel for me who is out the money apparently. Geico sucks!

Posted by amy_mck at 02:38 PM
March 12, 2003

What a day! I woke up w/ no energy but have managed to motivate myself enough to get a lot accomplished and to deplete the rest of my energy. Caleb and I went out to play today since it was considerably warmer than yesterday. Since we got rid of the 2 non working cars we had sitting in our driveway I thought that would be a great place for him to ride his bike. And while he rode I swept up leaves and raked the back yard. Yes, raked. We didnt do a great job in the fall getting rid of the leaves so they had made quite a mess w/ all the melting snow. Caleb kept jumping in the piles of leaves. It was adorable. We got very dirty and even muddy and tired. So in we came for lunch and to give Caleb a bath. After that he played a bit, but not very much, he was worn out. So nap time, at last.

Being the Super Woman that I am, I used this time to scrub the kitchen and dining room floors, do laundry and head back outside to bag leaves and trash from the yard and driveway. Came in to finish up laundry and console a crying Caleb back to sleep. He wakes up after about an hour of napping everyday just to look for me then once I get him and put him in our bed he goes right back to sleep. So here I am now, enjoying some restful blogging. Ah....peace and quiet....what a day! And it's only 3! Couple more hours to go before we go get Dean from work and then the night gets busy with dinner making, eating, cleaning up and then lounging around. Maybe if its still nice out we'll take a family walk. I cant wait for spring and summer so we can spend nights walking to the park as a family. Dean loves to go fly his kite and Caleb loves just about anything outdoors. Me, I just like to walk and watch them have fun. *heavy sigh* I love being a wife and mommy!

Posted by amy_mck at 02:45 PM
March 11, 2003
Proud Momma

I know it probably doesnt mean much to others, but my little boy went poopy on the potty today! I usually miss the chance to get him to the toilet, by the time he notifies us by tugging at his bottom and saying potty we are usually greeted w/ a messy diaper. Not today. Today he pulled on his diaper and I took it off to find it empty, not even wet, so off to the potty we went. At first he said no and struggled so I said ok then we need to put a diaper on. He said no and ran. Ok, so he didnt want to potty and he didnt want a diaper? so I told him if you dont sit on the potty then it's time to put on a diaper, he immediately went to the toilet and he sat there for a while playing w/ the shower curtain. Then finally he had his first poop on the pot. I know it's kind of gross to talk about , but for me its an accomplishment. I've been putting him on the toilet several times a day and nothing happened. He has been fighting when it comes to put a diaper on, he just wants to run around w/ out one which would be fine if it wasnt 30 degrees out. It would be easier to wait til summer to potty train but I know they say if you miss the window when they want to potty train then it would be harder. Caleb is definitely ready to get rid of diapers and has been telling us for the last few weeks after he has gone and when he needs a diaper. With any luck today is just the beginning of him noticing before his diaper is dirty. I am so proud of my little pooper....

oh, and yeah, he said his first "sentence" today : Me thirsty momma! I turned around so quick and asked him what didyou say, and again: Me thirsty momma! I gave him a sippy but he didnt seem to really be thirsty. Maybe he doesnt know what it means, but I found it odd since it's the first time he's said that word. He may have picked it up over the weekend playing w/ Abby, his new playmate. I know I've heard her say it before. Either way, he still said what I would call a baby sentence. It's early, wonder what else he'll amaze me w/ today.

Posted by amy_mck at 01:49 PM
March 09, 2003
Sunday Sunday

Well it's been a busy weekend, sort of. I've had Caleb by myself most of the time so Dean could help friends install their floor which meant I got a nap both Saturday and Sunday. Both days we ate dinner at our friends house and let the kids play well past their bed times. Finally home now, looking around at a clean quiet house. It's Sunday night, where oh where did the weekend go?

next weekend I'll be going away, well just for a night and a day, for a womens retreat with church. I am really looking forward to the oppurtunity to get to know some other women in the church and have some alone time as well. Mostly looking forward to a chance to get away from this house. I am really getting sick of our badly painted walls and chipping floors(in the kitchen). After helping friends update their new home it really gets me in the mood for home repairs. Our house looks good, not too bad, but we definitely did a rush job on the paint last year just so it would look decent enough to move in. I love the colors we have now, it's just poor quality paint. And it's not holding up to being banged and scratched by a toddler and his toys. So hopefully we'll get some good paint up and we are hoping by the time summer is over to be able to put in new flooring in our kitchen and dining room. It's hard to be home all day and not notice all the flaws.

It's been a fun weekend, getting the chance to know new friends better, getting some time for me as well. I cant help but enjoy having Caleb to myself sometimes. He may be a bear sometimes but he sure has his moments when I fall in love again with him. He's so precious to me. There's been lots of talk this weekend about babies, other peoples, and the question of when we'll have one. No decisions have been made, but lets just say we thought for sure I was pregnant last month but turned out it wasnt so. I love my husband more and more each day. it's odd how seeing him hold a baby can stir up feelings up desire, but I've heard it said by many a woman that they fall more in love w/ their hubby when they see them tending baby or playing w/ the baby. Guess its just seeing the nurturing and vulnerable side to men that gets us. Ah...babies......if they'd only stay that way a little longer....

Posted by amy_mck at 10:13 PM
March 08, 2003
Springful Saturday

Gotta love 60 degree weather and sunshiny skies! It's been a good weekend thus far. Last night we went to City Lights Seafood Resaurant. I had a salad and a seafood crepe. The crepe was wonderful! Dean had salmon but I think Caleb ate a great deal of it as well. We got there early before the Friday night rush so it was quiet and only started to fill up as we started to finish up our meals. We then headed home to put the little one to bed and enjoy some time together.

This morning I got a chance to sleep in a bit and only got up so I could run Dean to a friends house to help them install new flooring. Then Caleb and I headed across town to my moms for lunch and shopping. We had a good time enjoying family and the lovely weather. Now Caleb is napping and I am procrastinating cleaning up the house. Dean's still working on the floor and they dont know when they will be done. We, Caleb and I, will probably head over there after he naps so he can play with his "girlfriend", an adorable red haired 2 year old! They are so sweet when they hug and kiss each other good bye. He's been saying her name all of the time lately, she cant say his well, not that it's an easy name, so she calls Caleb "cup" instead. I so want a little girl of our own..but thats another topic altogether.

well I hate to ruin a lovely day with housework, but a womans job is never done, especially not on a Saturday. Hope everyones enjoying their weekend!

Posted by amy_mck at 03:57 PM
March 07, 2003

Help! I am having a tough week, emotionally and physically. Mostly headaches and dizziness, not to mention the occasional flashes of light in my eyes. My biggest problem of late is anxiety. I am not sure what is going on but the other night I awoke from sleep and was overcome w/ fear. I thought someone was in our room and was going to attack us. I tried to wake Dean, but he always just rolls over and mumbles. I closed my eyes tightly and waited and nothing happened. I eventually ventured out and found the house empty. Today I was once again overcome w/ fear when I heard noises in the basement. Not your usual house squeaks, or so I thought. I hurried and locked the basement door so no one could open it from downstairs and just in case put the baby gate in front of the locked door. Yes, I was panicking. I made sure the front door was locked and listened. I still could have sworn I heard someone, and no way was I going down there.

After putting Caleb down for a nap I went downstairs w/ Dean on the phone w/ me and found nothing. Nothing unusual. Nothing moved. Dean laughed at me. But I cant get this horrible fear to shake off. I need a shower still but that too scares me, leaving Caleb vunerable in his crib. Not sure whats going on in my head, but it's not helping that I have a pounding headache and the room keeps spinning. Goodness, I sound just as crazy as I feel. Maybe a good shower and nap will ease my tensions. If anything take the edge off this headache. it's been months since I've had headaches this bad, and in the last 3 days I've awoken with these killer headaches and they've lingered all day. maybe its the change in weather, or just the fact we dont have health insurance would be enough to spark a change in my health, I mean bad things never happen when you are prepared for them. I am due back to the dr this month for my eyes and psuedo tumor anyway, 3 month check up, I should have been already though since I've been feeling so bad, but that would mean footing a drs bill which we simply cant do. Too bad, just wait it out. Dean finds out if he is going to get hired on permanently at his job next week, with any luck, or really a huge miracle happening, he'll get hired and we'll get health insurance finally. Until then, trying to cope, and not doing so well with it...

Posted by amy_mck at 01:30 PM
March 06, 2003
Rainy Day Blues

Well today is an exact opposite of yesterday. I still awoke not wanting to get out of bed, but the feeling has yet to go away, eventhough I am up and have already left the house and been back. The sky is gray and the rain is falling. I feel like the raindrops are all the tears I am not crying. I am very down today. Partly due to weather, partly due to circumstances, mostly due to my own storms that are brewing. I would have loved to stay curled up in bed and had Dean stay and tend to the kid, but that would never happen, it's only Thursday. I am determined not to let these feelings take over my day, but I can slowly feel it happening. The desire to crawl up on the couch and veg while Caleb plays by himself. Will probably end up doing just that, if I can force myself I might go to the mall, theres one that has a huge play area and Caleb would no doubt enjoy that more than being in this dismal place all day. but I cant say I've got the strength, physical or emotional to do so today. More reason to force myself to .....well the little angel calls.....

Posted by amy_mck at 09:08 AM
March 05, 2003

It's amazing what a change in the weather can do to you. This morning we were up and out for a walk around 9:30 am didnt get back inside almost 11 am. We went for a walk, went for "adventures" in the snow and melting snow streams, then made our way back in. I made Caleb some grilled cheese and got him some fruit ready and took his picnic table to the deck and we enjoyed lunch outside. Some moms walked by w/ their toddlers in strollers, we chatted a bit. It's quite lovely out, getting near 60 is what the weather casters are predicting. It was supposed to rain today but no sign of clouds out there that I can see. Just a lovely day, heavenly almost. I'm slowly running out of energy, but I can definitely feel the motivation to get out and take advantage of the weather since we may get snow again soon and chilly temps. It's a shame. I sooo cant wait for spring to finally arrive. Looking forward to lots of time outside once it does arrive, and lots of walk to shed these extra winter pounds. It felt great to be out walking today. Caleb seemed to love to sit in his stroller and take it all in, he was kicking his feet and talking up a storm. It's amazing that this time last year when I took him for walks he was not talking and just sat there, now he begs to get out and run around. I love my little boy even if he is trying my patience, I swear he is already starting his terrible twos! but it's worth it to see him learning and growing with each new thing he gets into

Posted by amy_mck at 12:35 PM
March 04, 2003

Yesterday Caleb was a perfect angel. I was even able to go to the grocery store w/ him and get everything I needed and have no "scenes" w/ him wailing to get out of the cart. Even at home he was angelic. This was a nice turn from how he's been the last week. Today, I had to go to Sams club for diapers and prayed on the way that today would be as good as yesterday. No such luck. He demanded to be held as I pushed the cart and as I paid. He fought to not get back in the carseat. Argh! We have about 30 minutes until we have to go meet friends for lunch so his little bottom is in his crib sleeping it off, I hope! Hoping that he'll wake up in a better mood and with a not so runny nose so we can all enjoy lunch out. If not I'll live cause tonight is the ladies night out with small group so by then I'll be ready to get out of here by myself !

Posted by amy_mck at 11:52 AM
March 03, 2003
March 3 2003

Happy Birthday baby!

Posted by amy_mck at 07:18 AM
March 02, 2003

What a cruel joke! I was awakened quite early by our son and knew that we had had some rain overnight so I figured I'd go check on the basement. It had been dry for about a week, but temperatures had been above freezing mostly and we'd had no rain. I was welcomed by more water everywhere and a non working sump pump. I told Dean he needed to check on it and went on to ready Caleb and I for church. Told Dean again that it was getting late and he needed to look at the basement before we left. Finally he got up and was quite frustrated that I didnt tell him there was water everywhere and headed off to home depot for a new sump pump. As if the fact that the sump pump was not working didnt imply there was water everywhere!? Anyway. We missed church, again. We didnt go last week due to flooding related problems. Week before that we had a blizzard. Today we had plans for lunch w/ our church group so I called a friend and told them we might not make church but we'd definitely make lunch. And that is what happened. Got the basement resolved, mostly in time to go save a spot for our large group at TGIFridays.

Posted by amy_mck at 04:56 PM